Why You Are Not Losing Weight

The weight loss industry is something like $31 billion just in the United States alone and includes many different weight loss programs and solutions.
Not surprisingly, many of the solutions are flawed. Weight loss failure is part and parcel of the industry because many of the manufacturers of products, schemes and programs over hype the results people can expect.
Here are some of the most common reasons why, in my opinion, people aren't successful at losing weight:
1. Relying Solely On Weight Loss Pills Or Supplements
When people decide to try weight loss pills they generally have no idea what ones to use and simply choose the wrong ones for their needs.
There are two different types of weight loss pills. Firstly there are the "Appetite Suppressants" and secondly the "Fat Burners". If you are a big and uncontrollable eater then you should focus on an appetite suppressant pill like Caralluma. On the other hand, if you can control your cravings and your weight gain is something that has taken time, then you would be best looking at a fat burner like Decatrim for example.
It would be a mistake to think that by just taking weight loss pills, they are the entire answer to your weight loss program. This is the main problem with peoples thinking, and to be fair it is a consequence of the false advertising the manufacturers of these weight loss pills undertake.
Don't misunderstand what I am trying to say here. Weight loss pills do work BUT they work best in conjunction with a program of exercise and calorie controlled eating. Of course I am speaking generally about the diet pill industry. There are good ones and bad ones that will just relieve you of your hard earned cash. This is common with many other weight loss programs.
As I mentioned earlier Decatrim and Caralluma are good choices.
2. Relying On Only Exercise Or Diet By Themselves
Trying to lose weight with just a single focus is not going to succeed.
I am always amazed at how many people think by doing one thing, they will lose weight. Effective weight loss is all about choosing a combination of things but with a mandatory requirement of burning calories. You will also need to reduce the amount of calories consumed.
The body will find the task of losing weight so much more difficult if it has to burn off the existing stores a fat, plus, burn off more and more excessive calories each day. Work hand in hand with your body to help it reduce fat reserves. Both exercise and the establishment of good eating habits will reduce the amount of fat retained in the body and support you weight loss goals.
3. Starvation
Your body does not respond the way you would like it to when it is subject to this type of situation. Starving yourself will not necessarily help you lose weight. It can actually have the opposite effect.
The body reacts in an amazing and totally protective manner. It defaults into a storage and survival mode. Just in case it is threatened with ongoing food shortage it stores the existing fat reserves for as long as it can. The body is fantastic in this way and automatically tries to protect you.
Starvation diets can take various forms including detox plans. These can cause serious organ damage if they are implemented for an extended time because they lack vital nutrition. Despite the fact they are an effective way of losing weight in the short term they are not sustainable over the long term.
Your weight loss will not last. You will more than likely do your body harm rather than good. Because you have not changed your diet in a positive long term way, you will simply return to your previous eating program and gain the weight back again.
4. Failure To Change Your Lifestyle
Reducing the volume and quality of calories is by far the most positive weight loss program you can undertake, provided you do not go too far.
Our body types dictate the level of calories we need each day. It makes sense to continually monitor the calorie intake as you begin to lose weight. It is also important not to reduce them too fast because your body still needs to feed. This calorie controlled program is to teach you how to eat for the long term and not just for a short period of time. This is the absolute KEY to maintaining a good weight balance. Maintaining a good exercise routine and eating habits will see great results.

The best way to lose weight and to maintain a good weight balance is to educate yourself about what constitutes good healthy eating and exercise then implement it as a lifestyle.
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