Weight Loss Colon Cleanse for the 21st Century

Weight loss may come naturally during a colon cleanse. There are scientific as well as dietary reasons for this; some obvious and some not. Here are some ways that you can use a colon cleanse to help you lose weight and feel your best.

A colon cleanse is not a matter of taking laxatives, nor is it a way of unnaturally forcing your body to expel waste before it is supposed to. If you simply take laxatives, eat the wrong diet and do not use proper colon cleansing techniques, you will not help your body cleanse or lose weight, but you could get sick.

A colon cleanse is used to help your body remove excess, built up waste. This waste comes in many forms from pollutants such as harmful pesticides or chemicals trapped in fat cells. It may also be waste in the form of undigested food or other substances that are left in the intestinal tract, which is similar to build up on the side of arterial walls, yet it is not made up of calcium as arterial plaque is.

Now, you might be asking; what does this have to do with weight loss? First of all, science and research has shown us that toxins do get stored in fat cells. Some of these are linked to causing sluggish thyroid or interfering with your natural hormones. This may cause weight gain and make it harder for you to lose weight, in spite of dieting.

The build up of waste in the intestinal tract is said by many professionals to add 10, 20 or even more pounds of excess weight. This is why it has been said by professionals for years to take fiber, because it acts as a sweeper for your intestinal tract. Fiber helps remove waste as well as helping you feel full, which may help you avoid over eating. But you have to consume healthy, natural fiber and not the processed, bleached flour found in many breads, cereals and other processed foods.

A colon cleanse does incorporate a healthy diet that may promote weight loss in many people. This is because we are so used to eating foods that are highly processed with hidden sugars, fats and other ingredients that can sabotage weight loss. A cleansing, or detox diet, should consist primarily of fresh produce, whole grains, legumes, and natural proteins like lean meats, poultry, organic eggs, sprouts, beans, nuts and seeds.

One of the problems with following this type of diet is that many people have intense cravings that can hurt your weight loss efforts. In addition, many people experience fatigue and other side effects making it seem impossible to diet.

A colon cleanse often helps with these issues. For example, as stated, fiber can help you feel full. Other ways a colon cleanse can help is by choosing the right foods. A cleansing diet often leaves a person feeling lighter and more energetic. This can help some people motivate to continue the program. Some supplements used during a colon cleanse, such as Essential Fatty Acids, can help provide nutrients to satisfy certain cravings while other supplements may help further curb appetite.

Your body has organs in place to naturally cleanse and detoxify the toxins that can interfere with health. However, when our bodies become over-burdened, those organs will slow or even stop working as they should. One example is the insulin resistance that many people experience while another example is sluggish metabolism.

A colon cleanse program does not make these organs work nor does it make you lose weight. The right diet can make both of these happen. However, a colon cleanse can help expedite this entire process and for many, makes the process much easier as obstacles are more easily overcome, energy remains, results are realized quicker thereby promoting more motivation to stick with the a healthy eating and healthy lifestyle program.

Although no scientific evidence is available, millions upon millions of people for decades have claimed to receive amazing benefits of colon cleansing. Most people have no reason to tout cleansing other than to share the joy of their success. If you have had a difficult time in the past when it comes to weight loss, a colon cleanse might be a program for you.

Learn more about a colon cleanse program and find out how a whole body cleanse can help you lose weight.

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