Want to Lose Fat? Then Stay Committed

Before I start, I'm going to say one thing. I'm not here to criticize or make people feel down about themselves. I'm here to state the truth on why people aren't getting the results they want when it comes to fat loss.

When it down comes to it, people say cardiovascular exercise is the number one thing to fat loss. However, even though a cardiovascular exercise helps with losing fat, the number one key to fat loss is your diet. No matter how many hours you put into training and working out, if your diet isn't good, then you won't receive the results you want.

What should I do then?

Well, for starters, I would increase my metabolism. If you have high metabolism, you'll be able to burn more energy than you consume. You can increase your metabolism through exercise, eating something small every 2 hours, drinking green tea, eating spicy foods, drinking lots of water, reducing your meal sizes and so forth.

You must discipline yourself and stay on task. Many people I've talked with say that they aren't seeing the results. Yet when I look at what they do; they eat lots of junk food, eat too much, and aren't making a valiant attempt at exercising.

It's going to be difficult because temptation is always around the corner. When it hits however, don't worry, just remember that if you have absolutely HAVE to eat that chocolate bar, or that handful of chips; make sure you eat those items in moderation and make sure that for every junk food you consume, you do something that will burn it off.

What kind of exercises should I do?

Well, cardiovascular exercises are considered one of the top forms of exercises to do for fat loss; however strength training is another form that has the ability to burn calories and fat.

In strength training, you force your body to lift heavy objects for low reps. Unlike bodybuilding and cardiovascular exercises, in strength training, after you are done your exercise; you'll enter the "after burn" mode. Basically put, your body will be burning calories when you aren't even doing anything!

Cardiovascular exercise are aerobic (with oxygen) forms of training; meaning that they require oxygen and usually last longer than 45 minutes to an hour. As well, it takes some time before the metabolism raises to the point where it can burn fat.

Bodybuilding and power lifting (Strength training) are forms of anaerobic training methods (without oxygen). Depending on the workouts, they last shorter than most aerobic training sessions and your metabolism will shoot right up depending on the intensity and stress that is put on your muscles.

High intensity interval training is another great type of exercise that can really burn fat. The Tabata protocol is a popular high intensity interval training program. It is praised by many people saying that it is the greatest exercise method to burning fat. Within a Tabata regimen, you are to perform an exercise within 20 seconds doing as much repetitions as you can. Then take a 10 second rest and move on to the next exercise. The exercise(s) are yours to pick. This is a sample of what a Tabata regimen looks like:


•Chin ups

•Push ups

•Pull ups

Tabata regimens usually last 8 minutes and are to be performed by the practitioner at a very high intensity. You have 20 seconds to work at a very high pace for the exercise you are doing, then you get 10 seconds rest and you repeat the exercise, or move on to the next.

So in order for you to lose fat, you must fix your diet, exercise and most importantly, stay committed to them.

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