A Food Journal - Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon

If you keep a food journal you could double your success rate at losing weight. A recent study of 1700 overweight men and women who kept a food diary for 20 weeks saw a greater amount of weight lost than those who did not keep one.
One of the extra benefits is that it is easier to keep the weight off for the long-term which is harder than just losing it and you need all the helpful tools you can get to maintain those lost pounds.
A food journal works.
A food journal helps you because they:
1) Make you accountable
2) Help you understand where your calories are coming from
3) Identify if any extra calories are sneaking back into your diet
4) Act as a deterrent - just by knowing that you have to write it down suddenly makes that second helping not so important
5) Provide you with a concrete record of your success
One of the enlightening discoveries you can make by keeping a food journal is what an actual portion size looks like. For example a serving of rice or pasta is just a half a cup. Many of us would be guilty of having four or more servings of these things without understanding how they can allow you to pile on the pounds.
A food journal is important also to make sure you are getting enough of the macro- nutrients each day - these are protein, carbohydrates and fats. You should be getting around 40 percent good carbohydrates (vegetables etc) 30 percent protein and 30 percent of your calories each day split up in to these approximate ratios.
Why these ratios you say? Well this balance of food intake has been proven to allow steady fat loss yet still provide enough energy to be able to put some effort into a proper strength training program. Only strengthening exercise can help you recover, rebuild and re-tone lost and weak flabby muscles are these are the drivers of your metabolism.
This is the best way to eat and exercise for maximum fat loss and a food journal can help you pull it all together so it works. It is important when losing body fat that you eat enough food, rather than food restriction. Just a hundred or two each day is all it takes to lose fat but if you slash your calories too much it will have the opposite effect - it will slow your metabolism.
A food journal is your secret weapon
So, with your food journal you can see each day exactly what you are eating and if you are not losing fat then you can drop another 100 calories out until you start losing fat. The secret is not to go more than a hundred or so at any one time. If you do your body will get what is called 'diet shock' and go into survival mode which will make you store more fat not lose it.
Your food journal can be just a simple note book with some ruled lines for protein, carbohydrates, fats and calories. During the day take a few minutes to update it and add things up so you can see where you are at. If you are short on any of the macro-nutrients or have not eaten enough calories (or too many) at the end of the day you can them make some adjustments. For example if you have not eaten enough protein you could have a serving of whey protein powder in some water which would up your protein count but not increase the other macro-nutrients.
Some people complain that keeping a food journal is inconvenient, but surely being overweight and lacking the energy to live life to the fullest is way more inconvenient. You don't have to keep it forever but you do need to keep it till you have learned a new way of eating so you not only lose that excess fat weight but are able to keep it off permanently.
For some people this might be a few weeks. For others it could be months or a year or more. But if you are serious about losing weight a food journal is the backbone of your weight loss plan.
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A Fat Burning Diet In A Fast Food World

Losing weight is one of the most difficult things a person can do. Overweight can suddenly occur when a person has been thin for a number of years or may have been a lifelong battle. Trying to find a fat burning diet can become as hard as searching for a treasure.

There is no doubt that the food that goes into the body affects your metabolism and is what causes the fat. Things such as French fries, cheesecake, ice cream and others have animal fats, sugar and high calories are going to put on weight. Eating these things on rare occasion is fine but not as a daily occurrence.

Sometimes this just happens because of poorly developed habits and other times it can be caused by stress. Stress brings on the desire for comfort, which is found in comfort foods that has fat causing ingredients. For many, a candy bar will bring a feeling of calmness even if it is for a few moments.

In today's food industry there has been a combined effort to make people aware of the importance of the right diet to lose weight. As a result, laws have made it mandatory for restaurants and other food establishments to list the amount of calories and hydrogenated fats on their menus. This makes it easy to stay on a healthy diet.

There is no need to go on a starvation or single food diet. With the reduction of fats, calories and carbohydrates in today's foods, it is possible to enjoy what you eat while not piling on the pounds. However, you need to educate yourself.

The first thing you need to do is to develop a good nutrition chart and see what foods are healthy. Information on this subject is readily available on the Internet. You will find that the food listed is within your budget as well as tasting good.

You will find that foods in this category include such things as berries, vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and other items. Studies have shown that eating several small meals a day or natural snacks between meals rather than just three heavy meals is of great benefit for those trying to lose weight.

With the number of recipes on the Internet regarding preparing these foods you can have excellent meals while shedding the pounds. This cannot be done in a day. It is going to take time but if you really do want to lose weight, that is the way to have a fat burning diet.

Finding the right diet plan in this fast food environment can be incredibly complicated because the temptation to over eat is great. However, even with the right diet plan staying on the plan can be a challenge. Natural Fat Burners along with a fat burning diet can help you stay on the plan and achieve results. Don't give up! You can do it and good luck with your weight loss goals!

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8 Food Items That Ensure Belly Fat Burn

There is no doubt about the fact that abdominal fat has now become a common problem due to lifestyle habits, and leads to a number of diseases like Type 2 diabetes, coronary and cerebrovascular attacks. In order to reduce it, you will be strongly advised to start exercising while your diet too, also needs to be altered suitably. There are certain belly fat burning food items that truly help you lose abdominal fat, which are as follows.

• In the list of top ten belly fat burning foods is Broccoli, known for its richness in antioxidants. Boil and consume as much broccoli as you can and this will definitely help you reduce belly fat. Boiled broccoli, taken in between meals helps fill up the stomach easily, has zero fat content and reduces food cravings. Try eating it with a dash of garlic salt. It's sure to be a marvelous snack if you are obese or overweight. Make sure to make this an accompanying vegetable with lean meats or fish as it is a prime salad item.

• If you are looking for a snack item to eat in-between meals, go for almonds, which are rich in good proteins and oils and help improve the quality of your skin as well. Almonds are best eaten raw so that they stay in your digestive tract for longer periods of time.

• Another stomach filler which is totally fat less and vitamin-rich is asparagus. Eat them lightly steamed with a dash of herb-scented salts that add flavor.

• In case building muscles is what you have in mind while losing belly fat, spinach is strongly advised. Spinach is also an effective laxative that ejects unwanted feces and food particles that gradually convert into fat if left in your stomach and this in turn, cuts belly fat. It's natural vitamin contents, moreover, are a source of valuable nutrition for the body.

• In spite of higher cholesterol content, you may also eat eggs in smaller as these are considered to be super foods. Eating them half or full boiled will result in balanced nutrition for your body. Avoid fried eggs at any cost as the oil will only add to your body mass index.

• Among lean proteins, a chicken breast is the ideal item to counter hunger as it not only fills up your stomach but burns fat as well. Grill it with a minimum quantity of oil to let the chicken broil in its natural fat. Toss up a healthy green salad to go with it and watch it work on reducing your belly fat.

• Among animal proteins, try eating fish as much as possible to reduce unwanted fat. This is because it has been proven that fish is rich in Omega D3 oils which not only strengthen the cardiovascular system but has a corrosive effect on fat molecules in the body. The recommended fishes are salmon and trout, known for their lean qualities.

• You could also eat plain oatmeal with skimmed milk to reduce belly fat. Avoid the flavored or sugared ones.

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6 Easy Ways to Lose Belly Fat

In today's world, where everybody is getting conscious about looking good, it has become all the more necessary to keep oneself fit. The problem is some just do not have the knowledge or the time to research, thus are mislead by bogus weight loss programs. Here are 6 easy ways to lose belly fat and get you on your way to happier and healthier lifestyle:

1. Eat healthy. "Abs are build in the kitchen", as the saying goes. You will not lose your belly fat if you will indulge in junk food the whole day. Although it has been proven that junk foods can help eliminate fats by keeping your hormones sharp, overdoing it will not do good. You can indulge in natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. These can be eaten in large amounts as prescribed in the Food Pyramid.

2. Eat slowly. Eating slowly helps avoid overeating. To do this, take smaller bites and chew them slowly. The slow pace allows for the brain to send the "full" signal before you can eat more than enough and consume extra calories. In addition, it aids in good digestion and better absorption of nutrients by the body.

3. Eat more protein. Researches reveal that protein helps the stomach feel full and maintains the right level of blood sugar. It was also shown that substituting calories from carbohydrates with calories from protein can actually help lose more belly fat.

4. Cut alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol is a part of life. Doctors even recommend having a glass of red wine every night for good digestion. But remember that it has to be in moderation; otherwise, it will put your health in jeopardy. The body consumes alcohol before all else in the stomach, thus the food that you eat will not be metabolised, and are stored as fats. In addition, alcoholic beverages contain substantial amount of calories that can turn into fats around your belly.

5. Exercise regularly. Abdominal exercises are very effective in reducing belly fat. These do not only tone the abdominal muscles and increase the overall flexibility of the body but also hinders the build up of fat around the belly. In order to get visible results however, you need to do it on a regular basis and increase duration over time. There are also other forms of exercise that you can try. The famous belly dancing can do the same, and has been confirmed quite effective in shrinking waist lines.

6. Drink plenty of water. Hydration is of utmost importance to good health. It helps the body in many ways such as flushing out of toxins, transport of nutrients in all vital organs, and moisturizing the skin. In other words, if you drink sufficient amount of water, you body will function more efficiently. Moreover, water helps make your belly feel full, thus decreasing your appetite for food.

Weight loss is never difficult when you have the best information to guide you. These 6 easy ways to lose belly fat can help keep a good health and a confident mindset-that keeping a suitable figure does not demand the impossible. But it is also important to understand that it does not happen overnight. These 6 easy ways to lose belly fat still require patience and determination.

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3 Tips On How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week

Losing belly fat in just one week is almost an impossible thing to do. Believe it or not, it is doable. With the right combination of exercises and eating habit, a strong-willed person can get his or her dream within only a week. What we talk about here is of course not a drastic drop of measurement from size 8 to 6, for example. That sort of thing can only be achieved with liposuction. The tips given here are about how to lose belly fat within a week in the most natural and realistic ways. No surgeries, pills, or dangerous chemicals involved. Here some great tips for a slimmer belly.

1. Do the right combination of workouts
You can get rid of your belly fat by doing a combination of workouts. Abs training alone will not help you much in losing your love handle or muffin top. You will also need to do cardio and weight training as well. High intensity interval training (H.I.I.T.) is the most effective cardio workout for a flatter tummy. Besides getting rid of excess fat, H.I.I.T also helps build muscles. The intensity of your workout is more important than the duration.

2. Eat and drink smart
Stay away from bad fats and simple carbohydrates and replace them with foods that help burn more body fat. Herbs, low-fat or fat-free dairy products, beans, egg whites, vegetables, fruits, and whole grain breads are the examples of healthy foods low in calories and high in nutrition. Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to help your digestion system. Reduce the amount of cream and sugar you add to your coffee; black coffee contains fewer calories. Besides water, green tea is the ideal beverage for weight loss. It helps improve your metabolism, and it is rich in antioxidants.

3. Prepare a strong, positive mentality
As long as you are motivated and persistent to reach your goal, you can get the flat stomach you've always dreamed of. Although you may lose a few pounds within a week, one week is not enough to achieve and maintain your desired body. Therefore you shouldn't be satisfied easily and you should maintain your diet program until you reach your goal. Find someone who shares a similar goal and both of you can be diet and exercise partners. A partner in weight loss program not only makes your attempt more fun, but she or he can also lift up your spirit whenever you feel like giving up.

Every combination of diet and exercise needs persistence for best result. Find out how to lose belly fat and how to perform abs training effectively on our website.

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3 Quick Tips For Weight Loss

If you have ever struggled with losing weight, then you may have come to the conclusion that it is virtually impossible to do so. The reality is that it doesn't have to be all that hard. On the other hand, if you think that taking off those extra pounds is a quick and easy process that doesn't require any effort on your part, then you are going to be let down. If you're sincere about weight loss and you're ready to follow a sensible eating plan, get moving and changing your attitude, you will lose weight more quickly.

Sometimes it seems as though diet and weight loss plans are a regular part of our lives; coming and going more often than we would like to admit. These are often fad diets that we latch on to in the hopes of finally finding the one that "really works". However, it's not a good idea to start any diet before you fully understand. The good news is that there are diet programs that have stood the test of time, and have been proven to work. Another thing that you may want to consider is that weight loss is not a one-time physical act. Instead, it's a lifestyle change that you incorporate into your life.

Let's be clear, there are many reasons why people don't stick to weight loss programs, but lack of motivation usually isn't one of them. What's needed are some basic ways of increasing the odds of success. Here are some things you can do to put the odds in your favor.

1. Maintain your focus - A lot has been said about willpower and its lack of effectiveness. The problem with willpower is that it sets up the wrong mindset. When you think about it, you only need willpower when you are feeling deprived. Once you start thinking about things you can't have, or how hard it all is, you are setting yourself up for failure. You need something better, and that's where focus comes in. It's the opposite of willpower. Focus on why you want to lose weight, what your ultimate goal is, and how you will feel once you reach your target weight. When you're focused, you are thinking about the positive aspects of your weight loss plan, and that's a good thing.

2. Get moving - Some people like to call this exercise, but at the same time, that word has negative connotations for a lot of people. Regardless of what you call it, you need to get moving if you want to increase your chances of success. The key is to participate in activities that you enjoy. This could be going for a walk, bowling, dancing, gardening, or playing frisbee. Just remember that any extra activity equals extra calories burned.

3. Effort - Yes, weight loss takes effort. There is no way around it. Fortunately, the more effort you put in, the more weight you will lose.

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8 Fun Tips On How to Lose Belly Fat for Women

Most women fail in getting a flatter stomach since their diet and exercises are boring and very demanding. However, a weight loss program is supposed to be fun and effective. If you want that beach ready body that you've been dreaming of, below are 8 tips on how to lose belly fat that you should follow:

1. Write down your diet program - To have a clear guidance about your dieting steps, you should print or write down your program on a sheet of paper. That way, you will know exactly what to do when it comes to your diet.

2. Look for inspiration - Print a picture of someone whose body you admire a lot. It could be your favorite celebrity, athlete, or anyone who inspires you. Put the picture on your fridge door, cookie jar, or anything that might seduce you to abandon your diet.

3. Make sure that your body scale works perfectly - Body scales tend to show inaccurate readings as they age. Hence, replace an old scale with a new one. Weight yourself once a week and note down any improvements.

4. Have a diet partner - Abs training or jogging is a lot more fun when you do it with a friend. When you have a diet partner, you can have someone to consult meal plans with. He or she can also encourage and motivate you to stay committed to your diet program.

5. Use smaller plates - We tend to fill our plates with food to their capacity. Today, dinner plates are a third smaller than the ones in the olden days. A study also concludes that the color blue helps curb the appetite. Therefore, you can try using small blue plates for serving food.

6. Drink plenty of water - Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Don't forget to take bottled water with you when you go out. Water is important because it has plenty of advantages. It hydrates your muscles, restrains your appetite, reduces cholesterol, moisturizes your skin, and stops you from mistaking thirst for hunger.

7. Good use of diet books - There are many diet books out there to help you with your belly fat loss attempt. Some of them come with wonderful ideas on how to lose belly fat that you've never come across before.

8. Put the pictures of the clothes you want to wear on your fridge to help you stick to your diet, you can put a picture of the dress or the pair of jeans you've always wanted to have on your fridge. Once you reach your dream body, you can buy that particular clothing article as a reward for all your hard work.

Every combination of diet and exercise needs persistence for best result. Find out how to lose belly fat and how to perform abs training effectively on our website.

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Best Ways to Lose Weight Quickly

Obesity is one among the many predicaments that beset people nowadays owing to the busy lifestyle, technological advancement, and emergence of convenience foods. Not only does too much weight lead to certain diseases, but also negatively affect self-confidence. Time is of the essence, and people usually do not have the patience on work outs that do not seem to produce the desired results. Well, there is the famous liposuction that provides instant freedom from the extra baggage; yet the cost is often too high and the complications associated with it cannot be underrated. Fortunately there are weight loss schemes that can bring about immediate results less the cost and health risk. Below are some of the best ways to lose weight quickly.
1. Increase your fiber intake. Fiber helps reduce weight by sweeping away toxins and excess fats from the body. It also regulates bowel movement and keeps the body safe from certain diseases. Oats, cereals, fruit and vegetables are the best sources of fiber. You can replace your usual ham and egg breakfast with multi-grain foods, your sugary desserts with slices of your favorite fruits, or your high-calorie snacks with vegetable salads. But if you want it served instant, you may opt for natural fiber supplements. These are widely available in the market, and you just have to choose one that works well with your stomach.
2. Do a cardio exercise every morning. Experts confirm that cardio or aerobic exercises help burn more calories than most other forms of exercise. You may only strain your muscles and wear yourself out with strenuous exercises. You wouldn't want to go about your daily schedule looking tired and drained, and make the people around you think that you are problematic. An hour of brisk walking daily can help you lose pounds as much as 3 hours in the gym can do. You may also try cycling, dancing, or a treadmill exercise.
3. Regulate your calories. To watch the amount of calories you take daily will help diminish the chances of gaining excessive weight. Calories are present in almost any food that we eat, and are in large amount in convenience food. There is no need to go crazy about calories and memorize the calorie content of each food served on the dining table. All you have to do is to go natural and appreciate the foods cooked at home. Add fruits and vegetables to your diet, and limit your cravings for meat, ready meals, and dairy products.
Learning the best ways to lose weight quickly can save you from any scheme that do not guarantee positive results or have the tendency to impair your health. It presents easy alternatives to backbreaking exercises and strict dieting that most of us believe are the best ways to lose weight quickly. To eat more fiber-rich food, do a regular cardio exercise, and control intake of calories are methods that do not demand much. These are guaranteed safe and effective, and best of all, do not need too much spending.
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6 Tips to Look Thinner Tomorrow!

Everyone wants to drop a few pounds whether it's for a special event or just because their jeans have gotten a little tight. Losing weight doesn't just happen overnight though. What if you need to squeeze into that little black dress by Saturday? Here are some of my tricks for slimming down right now!

1) The right foods

There are foods that help the body digest - pineapple, ginger, celery and yogurt, to name a few. These will help to soothe the GI tract and move the other foods through the system. Skipping out on carbonated beverages, salty foods, chewing gum and hard to digest vegetables like broccoli and brussel sprouts can help you look thinner by avoiding the extra room needed for air bubbles or GI irritation.

2) Lots of water

Many people fear that drinking water will make their belly bulge but the fact is that water helps you flush everything else out of your system so making sure there is plenty of water will help to eliminate bloat. It will also help to make your skin look healthier!

3) Last minute pump session

A few pushups or bicep curls and tricep dips before you walk out the door can help to "activate" the muscles giving you a more defined look for the next couple of hours.

4) Girdle... not just for Grandma's!

I'm a firm believer in the girdle, no matter what your size. There are so many affordable brands out there in every department store that will target your trouble zones and create the perfect curves. I don't like to hold my stomach in after a delicious meal or after I've been standing for hours so these constricting accessories allow me to relax and enjoy myself without fearing the baby bump illusion after a pasta dinner!

5) The right outfit

We all know that black can be slimming but fabrics, patterns and cuts can make or break an outfit's flattering factor. Clinging fabrics are always difficult to pull off if you don't have a supermodel's physique. However, binding fabrics can accentuate the good curves and smooth out the not so good. Horizontal stripes don't usually flatter anyone with a figure and trying to pull off trendy cuts like one shoulder shirts or mini skirts can be difficult in the real world. You can still add trend to your outfit with accessories and shoes while sticking with a classic, flattering outfit. (This is also great for your budget!) From jeans to dresses, having a couple amazing pieces will ensure you always look like a million bucks!

6) Heels!

Nothing makes your legs look longer and leaner than a pair of heels! Even a short heel can make the legs appear longer, the calves more defined and force you to roll those shoulders back so you aren't falling forward!

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4 Fast Weight Loss Tips

Have you been losing sleep over how to shed those extra kilos? Are you tired of looking at those lovely pair of jeans that fit like a dream once, but refuse to let you slide in any longer? If any of the questions have answers in the affirmative, then it is time that you go through tips for quick weight loss.
Remain active - This is the best and the simplest tip for losing weight fast. You may need to go on a morning jog, Pilate's sessions, or the like, in case you are a non-working person. However, if you are working, then try walking to the bus stop- instead of hiring a cab. You may also get off a few blocks further from the office and walk. Such simple tricks take you far. Book a swimming session every evening with the nearest club. Swimming, cycling, and yoga are a few things that burn fat faster than you imagined.
Diet Recipes Lose Weight Fast - Follow diet recipes instead of eating the conventional food daily. If you are wondering about where to get them from, the answer is a click away. Browse through a wide array of diet recipes. There are non-vegan and vegan types available as well. Concentrate on increasing the amount of greens and fruits in your diet. Learn to eat slowly and control your eating desires until the point you actually feel extremely hungry. Controlling food intake is the trick, not skipping food altogether.
Mood Management - Often we tend to eat foods when we are not in a good mood. Chocolates and comfort food seems to be heavenly in such situations. However, this ends up showing in our body. Therefore, despite having mood swings, you must not swing away from your grit in not overindulging in high calorie or comfort food in large portions. Control the food portions you eat for a fast weight loss.
Good Sleep and proper Exercise - Despite thinking that you barely have time to exercise, find at least half an hour early in the morning to do some stretching and kickboxing. They are not as vigorous as swimming or going to a gym but work, nevertheless. Combine this with a healthy sleep habit. Staying awake for the major part of the day leads to weight increment! Sleep tight for at least 6 to 7 hours without any compromise.

If you are still wary if theses tricks actually work, you have only one solution - go try them without delay. When you start off small with one of them, it's easy to use a fast weight loss plan in larger and larger steps.

Healthy Recipe For Weightloss is the place to be when you are looking for recipes that you can enjoy cooking and eating minus the guilt. Find out more about fast weight loss and check out the different low fat and diet friendly recipes for a healthier and sexier you!

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